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Sinfonia 3 PlayThru Feature

Updated: Oct 12, 2024

We wanted to draw attention to one of the foundational new features that will be part of Sinfonia 3: the PlayThru function, a new part of Sinfonia's Keyboard component.

PlayThru allows you to assign a range of the keyboard to play a sound as you would a traditional keyboard part, whether it's one of our sounds delivered with a standard Sinfonia musical theatre booking or something you have in your own collection. What's unique though is you can do this while still retaining Sinfonia control of the larger orchestration. Thus, you can keep a portion of the keyboard for Sinfonia's live performance control, while using a different portion to play a saxophone solo, for example:

What's more, you can define any number of custom keyboards, each with different Sinfonia commands and Playthru ranges defined to perform different instruments, and automatically switch between them as you go through the song:

So you might, for example:

  1. Start the song with a large suite of Sinfonia commands, to establish the tempo:

  2. Switch the keyboard at bar 2 so that you have ample room to improvise a short Fender Rhodes part.

  3. Switch again in the middle of bar 4 to trigger a sound effect that needs to correspond to a bit of stage action.

  4. Switch again at bar 8 to a layout that lets you play bass in the left hand and strings in the right.

  5. And so on....

PlayThru opens the door to to massive, new creative possibilities. It's just one of many brand new capabilities that will be part of Sinfonia 3.

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