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The sound is bad when playing back the software through my amp or PA system. What's happening?
Can I use a foot pedal to change setups and/or songs?
What if I change my mind about my purchase? Can I get a refund?
I'm done with my show and I'd like to remove all of the RMS data. How do I do so?
Can I install RMS software on a computer without internet?
Can't connect to RMS SampleSync due to firewall
My unlock code has expired. How do I get a new one?
How To Make Navigational Edits In Sinfonia
How do I check the version of the software I am using?
What can I do to ensure a great performance with Realtime Music Solutions?
What is dedicated power and why is it important?
Can I have multiple logins for the same computer?
Everything was working fine during rehearsals. But when we got to tech/dress^ it started crashing.
I've unlocked my first Sinfonia or RMS Keyboards computer. How do I unlock others?
When I play on my MIDI keyboard, the sound seems late or sluggish.
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